The design of an Obstetric Telephone Triage Guideline OTTG: a mixed method study Full Text
Table Of Content The relevance of mixed-methods in health research Community Engagement Program Intervention 3 Agency interviews ORIGINAL RESEARCH article The Growing Importance of Mixed-Methods Research in Health Thus, the act of mixing methods à la MMR has the paradoxical effect of encouraging a crude black box approach to methods. This is a third problematic characteristic of MMR, because it hinders a detailed study of methods that can lead to a much richer perspective on mixing methods. Thus, the coupling of innovative strategies to specific field positions based on the amount of scientific capital alone is not straightforward. It is therefore helpful to introduce a second differentiation in the field that, following Bourdieu (1975, p. 103), is based on the differences between the expected profits from these strategies. Here a distinction can be made between an autonomous and a heteronomous pole of the field, i.e., between the purest, most “disinterested” positions and the most...